75th Anniversary Photos


75th Anniversary Service & Reception Photos

Memorial Service & Reception Photographs
Photographs Provided by Paul Potgieter and Video Stills by Chris Kirsten
Approximately 500 were in attendance at the Memorial Service and 150 at the Reception

Dave Taylor & Trevor Hughes - Royal Tank Regiment


American and Royal Tank Regiment Colour Guards

Remarks by Laurie Bolton, Niece of Sgt. Louis A. Bolton and Honorary Director of Exercise Tiger Memorial
Standing next to her, Dean Small, Director, son of the late Ken Small

Speech by Rear Admiral David Manero, Defense Attache, U. S. Embassy

Monsieur Marc Lefevre, President of the County Council La Manche

Capt. (Retired) Dean Hutton, Home Headquarters
Royal Tank Regiment Association

Padre John Richards

Normandy Delegation

Pipe Lament Piper begins his tribute by circling the Sherman Tank Memorial playing
"Flowers in the Forest"

He completes his Circle

"TAPS" performed by Sgt. Johnathan Bosarge
Bugler from the U. S. Army Europe Band & Chorus


Post Memorial Service 

Royal Tank Regiment Pipes & Drums and Members of Cyclops Squadron

"Cyclops" Squadron Royal Tank Regiment

French Delegation with Dean Small & Laurie Bolton

Laurie Bolton and Family Members with Rear Admiral David Manero

Reception at South Hams Brewery at Stokely Farm





Lt. Col. David MacDonald, Assistant U. S. Army Attache, U. S. Embassy
and David Lingard, Curator of the Dartmouth Museum

Amy MacDonald, Laurie Bolton, and Justina Manero

Annelle Reynolds with David Lingard of the Dartmouth Museum
donating her father's, (Survivor Tech/4 Ottwin D. Hofer), WWII Uniform & Documents


Recording artist, Martin Simpson , peforming his
original song, "Ken Small" inspired by Exercise Tiger and the late
Ken Small's dedication in establishing the Sherman Tank Memorial

Sarah Small, Martin Simpson & Dean Small


Pipe & Drums of the Royal Tank Regiment giving
a Special Performance for the American Visitors